Contribution of Chitosan to the Country's Economy


Contribution of Chitosan to the Country's Economy

From the First and Only Domestic and National Chitin&Chitosan Manufacturer in Turkey


Marine fisheries contribute to more than half of the world's total fisheries and more than 70% of their processing and use. The result is substantial amounts of processing waste each year, including fins, head, skin and viscera. In addition, shellfish and shellfish waste from seafood processing plants also accumulates in large quantities. According to the latest estimates, 20 million tons of fishing waste is generated, which is about 25% of the world's marine fisheries. Therefore, biotransformation of marine product waste using the bioprocess industry has great potential. Among these compounds, chitin and chitosan have an important place. Since the wastes of the processing plants are dumped into the sea without being evaluated, pollution causes significant problems and adversely affects environmental health. Evaluation of these wastes is important for the country's economy, for the seafood industry and for public health. With the production of chitosan and its derivatives, products with high added value will be obtained.
